Monday, May 3, 2010

Give Love this Mother's Day with OneMama!

Give Love.

Nobody celebrates Mother's Day like OneMama!

OneMama programs are helping mothers in Uganda to have safe and healthy births, bringing beautiful, healthy, and well-cared for babies into the world each day! OneMama is helping everyone feel loved and that they matter in this world.

Donate to OneMama in the name of a mother you love, and she will receive an honorary donation card and gift celebrating the achievements that your help will bring to the mothers of OneMama.

Love is the best gift you can give.

Visit today to donate in honor of a mother you love!
Mothers Day OneMama Gift of LoveOneMama Mothers Day Gift Card Sample

In OneMama Recent News
OneMama Programs
OneMama has had a rough few months. With the climate of the economy, OneMama, along with many non-profits, have seen difficult financial hardships. Funding has been hard to find, and OneMama is at risk of losing some vital programs that save lives. While we know budgets are tight, we need you to help OneMama. Spread the word to others about the changes OneMama is making and, remember, just $5 helps to save the lives of one mother and one baby. Help save lives and keep OneMama's mission alive and strong!

Other Ways to Help Fund OneMama
Support OneMama by looking good!
Proceeds from purchases made of the OneMama Collection or Shaboom Products (being compared to BareMinerals) go back into and support OneMama programs. This unique way of supporting OneMama will give you everything you need to look your philanthropist best!
Visit or to shop online.

OneMamas everywhere thank you for your continued support and love.

OneMama Collection Clothing supporting Uganda

Love and Light,
Siobhan and the OneMama Team
“We are all OneMama on this OneMother Earth!
We all want to feel like we are loved and we matter in this world!”

OneMama Donations:
Your contribution will directly go to benefit the women, children, and men of these communities.
OneMama is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.
If you have any questions about your donation, you may contact OneMama by phone at 866-485-1447 or 415-971-9324 or online at