Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Siobhan's True Story - OneMama Update

Hello My Dearest Family and Friends,

Wow!... Life is amazing!
If you follow the messages as you travel this river of life, the story can lead to miracles that can save your life & if you’re lucky, the lives of others.

So here begins the story of the adventure I had no idea I was going to take...
After OneMama’s fundraiser on July 11, I prepared to leave for Uganda to deliver supplies, update existing clinic concerns, and start new programs. On the 25th, I was packed and set to go with all my shots and preparations in place.

The night before I was to leave, I received a call from my doctor that my lab tests came back irregular. The concerns were that along with other health problems, I could have breast cancer as well. It was urgently insisted upon that I come in the next day for further tests, and highly suggested that I postpone my trip.

That following day my flight to Uganda was postponed and I began seeing amazing doctors, specialists, healers and spiritual mentors with many miracles. This led me on a journey to take a serious look at the changes I needed to make to get my life and OneMama back on track.

I came to find that I did not have breast cancer but a dangerous Systemic Fungus Infection I got while in Uganda last year. It took 6-9 months to incubate and was starting to take over my body and nervous system leading to my declining health in the past year. Had I not been given the breast cancer scare, I would have traveled to Uganda and might not have caught this infection in time before it took me down completely. Going to Africa would have been taxing on my body and health, and could have ended in a dire situation.

For 2 months now, I've been on many treatments; western medicine complimented by many alternative modalities. Miracles have happened and I'm starting to feel like myself again. Although I am still on the mend, I continue to heal everyday and feel better than I have in a year.

Thank God! I feel so blessed...

A bigger blessing that comes from all this, is that I am even more encouraged to help people around the world with these types of aliments. I am truly lucky to live in developed country with accessible medical care. Even with this luxury, doctors still were not able to diagnosis my condition for a year! What about all the mothers, babies and daddies who don't have the access to any healthcare in rural improvised countries?

This experience has given me more fight to go and find solutions, not just for me but for all people. The solutions may not be that complex, but not treating them can prove to be lethal. I am encouraged more then ever to continue the journey, helping every soul on this planet find health and economic freedom and sustainability. It is everyone’s right!

The new plan is to return to Uganda in December and January to deliver supplies and bring a round of US volunteers who can help jump start programs in the clinic.

My compromised health has cost OneMama dearly in fundraising efforts. The good news is that since I began the healing process, more organizations have been reaching out to OneMama to see what they can do to support our programs just in this last month.

This week I am officially back to work at all my jobs and responsibilities. I will be reaching out to many of you in the coming weeks to re-establish connections and thank you for your support, personally.

Our next event is LA Fashion Week, where we are the featured charity. Here’s to manifesting that this opportunity leads to the much needed funding needed to keep things moving forward with the clinic and expansion.

I know that I have not been quite myself with many of you for the last few months and for that I am sorry. But I want to thank all of you who have been so generous with your time and support to me during all these last minute life changes. This has been an interesting year for my health and personal well being, but I am finding my way through all of it with amazing friends, swimming in the ocean and all your kind encouragement.

I want to express my gratefulness to all the gracious doctors, healers, and special people who donated their time, health services, places for me to stay and travel that were instrumental in my healing process.

Thank you to those who have given. Your generous donations are currently providing many people with medical supplies and the critical nursing care they desperately need. We need your continued support to expand our reach and the care we provide our fellow travelers on this earth.

I am at peace and hopeful that things will keep getting better, on the mend, and I will be guided to more amazing life adventures with all of you.

Now I ask those of you who are called to become a OneMama Action hero to Action. If you have an inscription in your heart to make a difference in the world and in your life, OneMama is the vehicle to help you make that change. Please join us by volunteering or donating to this cause so that every soul on this planet can live healthy and thrive in their communities.

Sending each of you all the Love and Light you deserve!

Activate your
OneMama Powers!

Be a OneMama Action Hero!
Click Here to Get Involved!
Care for the children of the earth,
    as if each were our only child
Take Action to end injustice
    and defend innocence
Fight for Joy in our lives and
    the lives of others
Respectfully extend a hand
    to those in need
Allow Others to reach out to us, and
    teach us all how to gratefully receive
Guard our precious planet

We are all OneMama living on OneMother Earth...

OneMama Donations:
Your contribution will directly go to benefit the women, children, and men of these communities.
OneMama is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.
If you have any questions about your donation, you may contact OneMama by phone at 866-485-1447 or 415-971-9324 or online at

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